Begin your faery journey.
Welcome to the Everyday Fae
Here are some posts to help you get started learning about faeries.
Magic is Real
Once, you were a small child who believed all things were possible. You used to look at the world with wide, wonder-filled eyes. Life can be so much more if you open yourself up to it. Read More
Faery Holidays
If you’re going to work with fae, you have to be aware nature’s yearly rhythms. Pagans call this the Wheel of the Year because it’s a cycle that continues from one year to the next. Read More
Are they calling you?
Faeries enter our lives when we are being called to reconnect with our own intuition as well as nature. If you are able to look at the natural world with wonder and amazement, faeries are probably calling to you.
The Ultimate Fae Resource
Our goal here at the Everyday Fae is to be a resource and guide for those who want to learn more about the Fae. Whether you are brand new or a longtime practitioner, we strive to show you different ways that you can honor and invite faeries into your everyday life.
Don’t take it too seriously . . . this is a blog about faeries after all.
Do you believe in faeries? Me too! Let’s celebrate together and have lots of fun, just like our fae friends would. If you already have a connection to faeries, you know perfectly well that you shouldn’t take life too seriously.