How to Transform Your Faery Altar for Halloween
I have had an altar set up in my apartment ever since I was in college. It started out as a place to hold scented candles, but has become the place where I charge stones and set intentions. Changing it every season or holiday is pretty fun; I get to style it how I want and it keeps everything from just sitting and gathering dust. I highly recommend having an altar (or more than one!) set up in your living space, and transforming your faery altar every season.
This is what mine looked like for Mabon (remember, that’s a harvest festival).
You can see in the left corner, there are some pumpkins, a gourd, and some tree nuts that I harvested from outside. I also thought the green cloth was fitting for the early fall. It really contrasted beautifully with that orange pumpkin.
Here’s how you can transform your faery altar for Halloween!
Make sure you have a dedicated altar space.
It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy. Even if you just have some space on your nightstand for a candle, a stone and your tarot cards, that is just fine. Mine is actually a microwave cupboard that I bought years and years ago. Any flat surface will do. Just try to keep things like candles and incense out of the reach of children, cats, or dogs.
Decide what you’re going to put on it.
You can put whatever you like, as much or as little as you want. I tend to like my things to be at different heights because it gives the illusion of more space. That shelf on the right side is just a box underneath the cloth covering.
If you don’t want to cover your altar with a cloth, you don’t have to. I like to go to JoAnn’s and find the remnant fabrics, or find something relatively cheap to use. This sparkly spiderweb fabric was calling my name. It’s perfect for the season, and my fae friends really love a little (okay, a LOT!) of sparkle.
The important part is to reflect the season that you’re in. It’s a way to bring the outside inside. Since faeries are nature spirits, they will appreciate the natural energies that you are introducing. Just be careful not to let anything rot on your altar, and when you are finished with the pumpkins and acorns, either bury them in your backyard or somewhere other than the garbage.
If you’re not sure what to use, let your faeries guide you!
I am attuned to what my faeries like to see on my altar. It usually is a good mix between purely decorative items, seasonal items, faery items, and my own tools. I have a lot of crystals too, and my fae friends will whisper in my ear about what stones they want me to put on the altar and when. Halloween is a great time to remember ancestors and to do shadow work (hence the crow). It’s also the last pagan harvest festival. Anything to do with ancestors, shadow work, or harvest is good to use to decorate.
In this picture, you can see I moved my pumpkins around and gave them a more prominent middle position. I thought this helped to balance out the space. The little crow figurine was on sale at Target and I fell in love with him immediately. I’m only halfway done; there’s still a lot of space for me to fill!
Light a candle or burn incense when you’re finished.
This helps to call in the faeries and let them know that the altar is decorated and ready to begin charging with the energies of the season. I really like how this turned out; it looks a lot darker and more in tune with the upcoming Halloween celebrations than it did before.
That’s all you need to know about decorating your faery altar for a specific season. As long as you use your discerning eye and keep your faeries in mind, they will love it, and it will look good too!